Here's a magical Phatality Phight for all you out there who love magic, or for those of you who love when I post about the most random things with awesome links from around the internet. If you don't like either, get out.
This Phight is between magicians Criss Angel and David Blaine.
Now on to the Phight itself starting with Criss Angel. Criss Angel is pretty dang sexy, especially considering that he looks similar to ugly guy Mystery from The Pickup Artist who believes that wearing binoculars is somehow a turn on for women. Criss Angel's show Mindfreak is awesome though.
Every episode of Mindfreak is 45 minutes of Criss Angel being a modern day Jesus. Just like Jesus he can walk on water, make people believe in him religiously and grow a beard. In addition to that he has been burned alive, run over by cars, sawed in half and survived cutting himself.
Criss isn't related to the Chris who posts on this blog, in part because their names are spelled differently.
David Blaine is a crazy dude too. He usually spends his days either buried underground in a coffin, being encased in ice or talking to Donald Trump upside down.
David Blaine also brings his magic to the streets. I definitely give him street cred for that stuff. I suggest you watch this street magic video if you're going to watch any of them. WHAT THE EFF?
So who would win in a fight, Criss Angel or David Blaine?
actually, criss angel is a dickwit and david blaine only does dumb shit like "see how long I can survive in a pile of human shit"
AKA "Magic"
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Final Tally:
Criss Angel: 5
David Blaine: 8
David Blaine wins!
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